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The El Paso Young Democrats thanks the outgoing board!

Updated: Apr 21, 2022

El Paso —In response to the recent board election, El Paso Young Democrats (EPYD) offered the following:

We want to start by thanking you for being vibrant members of our community who are determined to fight like hell for a better El Paso that works with and for the people! As you know, as of September 15th, our organization is being led by a new group of strong and energized leaders, and we are still looking for others to help us build an even stronger organization!

On behalf of the new administration, we would like to thank J.J. and the prior administration for all of their hard work, organizing, and especially their love of El Paso. During their terms, we were proud to stand beside them when they stood up for police reform, elected amazing strong progressive leaders like District 2 City Representative Alexsandra Annello and Precinct 3 County Commissioner Iliana Holguin, stood up for voting rights here in Texas and our nation, provided mutual aid to members of our community who needed help during the hard times that 2020 brought to our community, worked hard to get failed Mayor Dee Margo out of office, encouraged members of our community to get vaccinated, and held town halls that helped our community get informed about some of the candidates that ran for office!

This term will be no different, and there is still so much more work that needs to be done here in El Paso and our nation. We all need to stand up together to defeat the racist and classist maps that Texas Republicans are gerrymandering to pick their voters, stand up for Reproductive Justice so that Women can have access to their right to choose, get loud so that Krysten Sinema and Joe Manchin will finally cave and pass the Build Back Better Plan and the John Lewis Voting Rights Act. We need to ensure that Democrats expand their Majority in the U.S. House and Senate so that we can effectively govern and build a better nation for all.


The El Paso Young Democrats are the official chapter of the Texas Young Democrats — one of the largest partisan youth organizations in the nation — in the Borderland. As the official voice of young Democrats in El Paso County, the organization strives to empower young El Pasoans through community activism and policy involvement locally, statewide, and nationally.



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