Our representative deserves a second term, no question about it.
Shirley Chisholm, the first black woman to be elected to the United States Congress and run for the Democratic Party’s nomination, said of progress, “You don’t make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas.” No one in the House embodies that progressive fervor more than our very own representative Veronica Escobar. Firmly believing in her vision for our city and standing shoulder-to-shoulder with her in the fight, the El Paso Young Democrats are proud to endorse Representative Escobar in her re-election bid to represent Texas’ 16th Congressional District.
While Rep. Escobar has accomplished much in her first term in Washington, D.C., we would like to commend her for her continuous standing up for the Borderland and her continued commitment to young El Pasoans. The tragedy on August 3 rippled through our community, however, in the face of such hatred, Rep. Escobar stood up against racism and gun violence, and against Donald Trump. She was one of the only elected members in our community that voiced opposition to his coming to our city at a time when people were healing. She has become the leading voice on border issues in the House, bringing numerous delegations to El Paso to experience the wonder of our bi-national community while shedding light on horrendous injustices perpetrated by this White House. And, importantly, she continues to be an ally of young people in El Paso. Notably, she hosted a town hall at the University of Texas at El Paso late last year for students to discuss education and the border.
While we are proud of what Rep. Escobar has done, we know that there’s still a lot of work to be done. Even if the country elects a new president this year, the damage Trump has caused our nation is resounding and requires steady, strong leadership. There is no one more suited to represent El Paso and lead other Democrats in the House than Veronica Escobar.
The 2020 Democratic Primary is on March 3, 2020. Election day information can be found on the El Paso County Election Department’s website here.
For more information about Veronica Escobar, please visit her website here.
This endorsement was authorized by the interim Board of the El Paso Young Democrats.